According to research, people tend to remember;
10% of what they read
20% of what they hear
50% of what they hear and see
70-90% of what they see, hear and experience
Educational Technology
- is the application of technology in the educative process that takes place in education institutions.
* Technology in Education
- is the application of technology in the operation of education institution.
- is the application of technology in the operation of education institution.
* Instructional Technology
- is refers to aspects of educational technology that are concerned with instructions.
- is refers to aspects of educational technology that are concerned with instructions.
* Technology Integration
- is using learning technologies to introduce, supplement and extend skills.
- is using learning technologies to introduce, supplement and extend skills.
Benefits from using Education Technology
* Increase the quality of learning and the degree of its mastery through the use of special effects of unique programming that are considered individualized, valid and accessible.
* Decrease the time spent in instruction for learners to achieved desired learning objectives.
* Increase efficiency of teachers.
* Reduce educational cost without affecting quality of instruction.
Guidelines in using Educational Technology
- Determine the purpose for which the instructional materials are to be used.
- Define the objectives to determine the appropriateness of the material.
- Know the content of the material.
- Exercise flexibility so that the materials satisfy different purposes.
- Consider diversity/ variety of materials.
- Relate materials to age, ability, maturity and interests of students.
- Arrange the conditions so that the materials do not interrupt the momentum of the lesson.
- Prepare the students for what they will hear, see and do as lessons unfold.
- Operate equipment needed for efficient use.
- Summarize experiences gained and follow up with further relevant discussion.
- Evaluate the results of the use materials together with the instructional process, to determine effectiveness.
Why use media in instruction?
Methods of teaching are instructional techniques that facilitate learning while Media are the means of implementing those methods.
Commonly used Media/ Materials for Instruction
1. Print Media or Materials
- considered to be the most dominant and the primary means of communicating subject matter to students.
- the principal aid to teaching and learning.

periodicals such as newspapers, magazines, journals, hand outs, manuals
2. Still Pictures and Graphics
- useful means of expressing ideas; convey lines, patterns, colors and shades to convey information.
Graphics such as maps, diagrams, charts/graphs, tables, posters and cartoons
Visual display devices such as chalkboards, whiteboards, magnetic board, bulletin boards

3. Sound recordings and radio
* Phonograph records
* Audiotapes
* Compact disc
* Radio
5. Video Recording
* Videotapes and discs
* Cables and satellites
* Camcorders
- enables the students to study almost anytime and convenient locations and with varying ability level; provides multimedia, interactive instruction, practice and testing that in turn helps teachers further in terms of diagnosis and guidance.
General Principles/ Criteria for Selection of Instructional Materials
1. Appropriates
- materials such catch the general and specific objectives of the lesson; must be appropriate.
* difficulty of concepts taught
* vocabulary level of students
* methods used in teaching
* interest of learners
2. Authenticity
- materials must accurate, up-to-date, and reliable information.
3. Interest and appeal to users
- materials must have the power to catch the interest of users, motivate them for learning and stimulate.
4. Organization and balance
- materials must be very clear, well-organized, logically sequenced.
5. Cost Effectiveness/Economy
- materials used must be relative to the cost of other similar materials, their durability and the number of student-users.
6. Breadth
- the scope of materials must suit many different types of learners and learning purposes.
Ten Commandments for Creating Learning Materials
1. Do not overcrowd.
2. Be consistent in format, layout and convention.
3. Use appropriate typefaces and point uses.
4. Use bold and italics for emphasis, but don't overuse them.
5. Use titles, headings and subheadings to clarify and guide.
6. Use numbers to direct through sequences.
7. Use graphics and illustrations to reinforce ideas.
8. Use symbols and icons as identifying markers.
9. Use color/video/audio/music to stimulate but not to overpower senses.
10. Produce the materials with technical excellence good quality, good audio, clear etc.
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